Monday, March 30, 2015


So I think it's time to resurrect my blog,
It has just been lying here...
And alone...
So I think it's time to write again. :)
My son is eight months old now, I can't believe how fast he is growing! 
I am so proud of him.
He has four teeth now and at least one more coming in.
He is such a big boy. :) 

One day you will meet someone
She will be special to you
One day you will see her smile
And it will make your whole world light up

But not today

Today you are my baby boy
I am your first Valentine
Today you give your smiles to me
They brighten up my world

One day there will be a girl
You cannot live without
One day You will hold her hand
And ask her to go out

But Not Today

Today we have eachother
We play with your toys
Today I sit down with you
and read your favorite stories

One day you’ll ask her to marry you
And she’ll be giddy with happiness
One day you will start a life together
And you’ll never be happier

But not today

Today you are in my arms
As I snuggle you close
Today I bandage your boo boos
and tell you it will be okay

One day I will let you go
As I watch you walk down the aisle
One Day I will say “I’ll always watch over you”
As you tell your bride “I do”

But not today
Today I will treasure every moment
As I take care of you
Today is my day
To tell you “I love you”

1 comment:

  1. I like this...It makes me wish I could have my turn over with my son. it went so fast. Cherish every moment.
